Project Name: McAuley Consulting Offices

Location: Vancouver, BC


Client: McAuley Consulting

Scope : Interior Design, FF&E​

Status: Completed

The McAuley Consulting office is located in a 1960s industrial building. The 800-square-foot space had been occupied by an accounting firm for the previous 40 years, and hadn’t been renovated for at least 30.

Working within the client’s tight budget – and preference for a minimal and uncluttered style – we addressed the most pressing structural issues of the space. A heavily damaged portion of the ceiling had to come down, leaving the area open to the original wood roof, which we cleaned and painted.

New plywood paneling along a dividing wall added warmth and improved acoustics, while a modest millwork piece covers the wall near the entrance, subtly integrating a heater and load-bearing wall into the design. We tailored other millwork to suit equipment and storage needs.

New lighting, and ample natural light from tall, north-facing windows and clerestory windows to the west, allowed us to introduce some deep tones to the design. The result is calming; minimal yet also warm and welcoming. A challenging but satisfying balance to strike.




McAuley Consulting

Delage Architecture & Design

Andrew Latreille / images 2,3,5,6,7
Delage Architecture & Design